Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Quarter Life Crisis = Obvious Inability To Find Your Own Boyfriend

So apparently another symptom of turning 25 is that no one thinks you will be able to find a mate on your own. So they kindly take matters in their own hands..neighbors, friends, kids of friends, people they've met at the gym, a waiter on my parents cruise, 80's Dave (after all he did just get rid of his mullet)...I get all kinds of offers. A friend of mine went so low to create me an online personal without me knowing it. How sad is it that that is even possible? She thought it inappropriate to converse with guys so she let me in on the secret. I refuse to reply to any of the messages that I have been getting...try as she might, I am not meeting a guy over an online dating service...no thanks. I understand that in 25 years, my attempts have been weak and unsuccessful...even a bit pathetic in a few cases. I'm on my way to turning into one of those people that you have to think something is wrong with them to still be single...cause its not possible that they just couldn't have found the right one...GASP!

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