Thursday, June 24, 2004

frustrations of the male species..

a nice normal guy walked me in the general direction of home on sunday night...whatever that is suppose to mean. i met this guy a few weeks ago and when i met him he was with his friend that dominated the conversation and talked to me way more then he did try as he might...the whole time his friend was talking i kept thinking i'd rather be talking to this sunday, as I'm running late from spending the day w/ my parents...wind blown hair in a pony tail and cubs visor...sit down in the last row in the first available seat I can find...right next to my friend becca...which happened to also be right next to him...although as i stumbled over him I didn't notice we stand for the famous meet and greet...and i turn to him and believe it or not actually remembered his name...i say my name again and he said he didn't recognize me with a hat on...which turns out is a pretty good disguise for me...he did however remember that i worked for IBM and some details I had told about after group, we start talking, and talking and talking...and he asks me if I'm headed to grab ice cream w/ the rest of the group, i am not b/c...well i'm tired, and hungry and want to go home...he says he isn't either...then he asks me how I'm getting home...i say, sometimes I walk, sometimes i get a ride, sometimes i take the bus...he asks me which way I am headed...i say north...he is to, so he says we can head that way together...i am we walk and talk and what not..we hit his place first, he says he's actually going to let his sisters dog out and if i want to stop w/ him to get his keys he'll drive me the rest of the way home...okay...i agree that sounds like a good we run upstairs, he grabs some stuff and his keys and we head down to his car...we continue talking, having great conversation...he takes me home...says he'll be out of town a couple weekends but should be at church again on the 17th of JULY! Okay, guess I'll see you in a month then...and that was hour and a half and i'll see ya around

was it to much for me to think that he may want to get my number? i'm not talking marriage here people...i'm talking coffee...we had a good night...right...if not he had ample time to get rid of me...i'm not the one that wanted to walk home together...he could have left me when we got to his apartment...i can't figure out if he really has totally no interest...or is just testin the waters...i'm so sick of hearing that though...i got enough water testers...i seriously was not born with the sense of having an sort of idea what the opposite sex is fact, i usually am in denial right up to the part before we are actually 'something'... This isn't even a big deal to me...i honestly don't even think that we would have much compatible...he's a nice guy, but he listens to NPR (not that that's a bad thing).. I'm just saying it would be nice to feel 'liked' know that i'm not repulsive...that i don't have a third eye or a uni-brow i wasn't aware that to much for a girl to ask for? I don't think so...

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