Sunday, July 25, 2004

Some times you gotta just get up and dust yourself off...

I got back out on the roller blades again...the first time since 'the incident' last month.  Although the blurry images of hurling though the air were still in my mind, i felt like I had no other choice but to get back out there.  It was Baptism Sunday at my church...7 am Sunday morning on the lake front...easiest, quickest way together while sleeping as long as possible was to break out the blades.   I did indeed, and found my new favorite time to roller one's traffic on the road to the lake or on the lake front at 6:45 am...just me...the ipod...and I...cruising down the was cooler then usual...the 'Jesus rays' peaking through the clouds...the city before me...the beach,  freshly drug...with no foot prints....and 45 lives to be changed with a quick dip in the lake.  As we almost silence for a group of 300 people...watching as each and woman hand in hand...son with his father...mother...daughter...friend...the old...the young...enter into the water...this year with a chill in the air and the waves rolling wouldn't stop any of them..."find me in the river...find me on my knees...I've walked against the i'm waiting if you please...we've longed to see the roses...but never felt the thorns...and bore our pretty crowns...but never paid the price...find me in the river...find me there...find me on my knees with my soul laid bare...even though you're gone and I'm cracked and dry...find me in the river...i'm waiting here."  ~Delirious?

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