Thursday, November 25, 2004

A Jewish Carpenter

On the eve of my cruise, as I finish packing last minute things and cleaning up my apartment, that dreaded feeling sweeps over me...the thought of the four words that I will, no doubt, be asked by at least half of my 14 family members I will be joining on these 7 joyous days at sea...'Are you dating anyone?' Seems innocent enough but for any single person reading this you understand how not fun it is to say 'No' and how even more not fun it is to hear their responses..the 'You just haven't found the right one' or the 'I'm sure you'll find someone soon' or even better the 'I have this neighbor who has a brother who's son's, wife's, cousin's, co-worker would be perfect for you'. I was on a few short weeks from being able to answer 'YES!' to this question, and I can honestly say to you that this very thought was on my mind 3 weeks ago when things seemed to be going somewhere with Mr. Blind Date. I already know my grandma, God bless her, thinks my standards are to high...(this coming from a woman with 2 daughters with a boat load of failed relationships and marriages, and who has some sort of 'freedom' after a 59 year marriage to my grandpa after his passing). Little do they care that it is very possible that I have the highest income of my graduating class (proving a point here, not being arrogant about this) or that in 3 years I've received 2 promotions...that I'm financially stable and able to survive in the big city alone.
I heard a message once on this topic from a author who wrote a book for Christian singles. She said we always have a 'Yes' answer to this question...something along the lines of...Are you dating anyone? Why yes, he's a Jewish Carpenter, always with me, always providing for me, and he loves me more then anything in the went on and she JOKING? Does she know my cousins? Does she honestly believe that this would help the situation at all? Clever as it may be..that ain't going to fly. I think the cracks on that would be far worse then the lesbian jokes I'll guarantee I'll get because of my single status.
I know that I shouldn't care about what they all think and that saying 'No' to the dreaded question is far from a crime, after all I'm only 25...and who know's, 'the one' really could be around the corner...or the hot waiter serving me a cold beverage...but then again, even if he's not...there's IS always the Jewish Carpenter.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Condo Shopping...

So I bit the bullet and started condo shopping today. It took me 6 months to buy a 500 dollar TV...Lord help Rob my realtor. We visited 7 places today and the only word that comes to mind is Overwhelming. I only found 2 that I think I would have the possibility of buying...the sad thing is, that living in Chicago a lot of other things come into play. If I saw these 2 places I would probably have put an offer down on it today...but there other factors that are often over looked by home owners out side of the city...parking spots, laundry, public transportation, condo fees, safety, high rise, low rise, vintage, new development, location, location, location...if i could combine aspects of all of these places I would have a winner. It was only my first day so I can't be frustrated about it but I have a feeling this may be a long journey.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Guys may be jerks...and that should have stopped me...

Wow its been a frustrating couple of weeks with the men in my life here in Chicago. I'm tired of making excuses for them...and I wish I could say it was only one individual...but pretty much all of them are irritating me. The cruise is only 2 weeks away and I think that it can't get here soon enough. 7 days in the middle of the ocean might just do me some good.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Where is everyone...


A New Laptop...finally...

Believe it or 'not always so favorite' Blue company forked over a new laptop...brand spankin new....w/a wireless connection and a would think they are trying to keep me around or something.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Test Rat...

So I'm officially a test rat for a new migraine medicine. Since my headaches are pretty bad, I am usually up to hearing different options for my migraine cures and what not. So my doctor asked me if i wanted to be a part of a new 'test program' to test a new migriane solution not yet approved by the FDA. Sure! Why not...but then I start this the best idea? I'm going to hold my breath... let a gas penetrate my nasal cavities for 90 seconds...7 times for 2 hours and see what happens? Why not?

A response from the male 'friend' 2 posts ago...

"Hey Emily...that guy looked a lot like me! I went to Sunday...without costume, as you may have was last minute, otherwise I would have called you...but I didn't feel right about asking you so close to the time to leave."

Is that all he's got?

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Guys may be jerks...but that hasn't stopped me...

So I have been quiet about my blind date...he has a name, and I could share it but since we have only been out twice I feel funny referring to him by his name on the he remains 'the blind date'. We had our second date on Thursday and things are still good. I'm not building up walls, dodging phone calls or freaking out in my book that means it's going well. Maybe the reason that I'm not going crazy is the fact that things are progressing really slow...maybe its because I actually have interest in him....either way I'm happy about it. I'm going with him to a party for his best friends dad on Friday and I'm a little nervous about it but it should be fun. So that's the update on the blind date...

Friday, November 05, 2004

I've come to the conclusion...ALL men are jerks...

I'm not going to apologize to my male readers for the title of this post. B/c whether you want to fess up to it or not...I'm sure you are a jerk...I think I kinda always knew but had faith in a select few of you. I was hurt today by a friend of mine. Perhaps I shouldn't have been but I can't help but feeling this way. Maybe its by who it came from, maybe it was what he did, maybe its the way I found out, maybe its all of those things...I don't really know. I asked a friend of mine if he was going out Sunday night and wanted to know if I could grab a ride with him if he was, he told me that was fine and that it wouldn't be a problem as long as the person he was riding with was going to go. Fine...fair enough. WELL...he later tells me that he didn't hear from his ride and that if he does he will unlikely go b/c he's really tired, he will call me if he does though...later call...I'm sad but I understand so I let it forward 5 days...I'm surfing the web, lookie here, I find pictures from the Halloween party...looking...smiling...surfing.....back the freaking bus up....low and behold what do I find...a picture of my "friend" at the Halloween party he was too tired to attend. Some men I would expect this from...this individual, I would have never ever thought he would have lied to me like that. I'm pretty sad about it. Why lie? I just don't understand...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Hillary for Prez 2008!