Friday, November 05, 2004

I've come to the conclusion...ALL men are jerks...

I'm not going to apologize to my male readers for the title of this post. B/c whether you want to fess up to it or not...I'm sure you are a jerk...I think I kinda always knew but had faith in a select few of you. I was hurt today by a friend of mine. Perhaps I shouldn't have been but I can't help but feeling this way. Maybe its by who it came from, maybe it was what he did, maybe its the way I found out, maybe its all of those things...I don't really know. I asked a friend of mine if he was going out Sunday night and wanted to know if I could grab a ride with him if he was, he told me that was fine and that it wouldn't be a problem as long as the person he was riding with was going to go. Fine...fair enough. WELL...he later tells me that he didn't hear from his ride and that if he does he will unlikely go b/c he's really tired, he will call me if he does though...later call...I'm sad but I understand so I let it forward 5 days...I'm surfing the web, lookie here, I find pictures from the Halloween party...looking...smiling...surfing.....back the freaking bus up....low and behold what do I find...a picture of my "friend" at the Halloween party he was too tired to attend. Some men I would expect this from...this individual, I would have never ever thought he would have lied to me like that. I'm pretty sad about it. Why lie? I just don't understand...

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