Wednesday, May 25, 2005

How far are you?
How close am I?
I know your words are true
And I don't feel them inside
Still I believe
You'll never leave
So where are you now?

You're all I have
You're all I know
You're breath is breathing in my soul
Still I am gasping, aching, asking
Where are you now?

Cause I just want to be with you
Just want this waiting to be over
I just want to be with you
And it helps to know the day is getting closer

Every minute takes an hour
Every inch feels like a mile
Till I won't have to imagine
And I finally get to see you smile

My journey's here, but my heart is there
So I dream of ways to keep the faith while you prepare our destiny
Until you come back for me, oh please make it soon

-Smile,Chris Rice

I had this in my head while rollar blading the lake front tonight. The words felt real to was one of those days that comes around that I feel like I really might be having a quarter life crisis.

Monday, May 23, 2005

A friend, the city, and a warm Sunday afternoon... Posted by Hello

Bose's watching me...silently whispering my name...

So I have wanted nice speakers for my iPod for quite a while but with my new purchases lately I have not taken the plung...I didn't know what I would get even if I was ready to buy...but the Bose SoundDock has been taunting me for weeks the subway, on billboards, in the Skyway magazine in the airplane...I want it...but at $299, can I really justify it? After all, its almost as much as I paid for the thing, and how long will it be before I'm on to the newest iPod that no longer works with the Bose's such a tease though.

Monday, May 16, 2005

More Pictures...

Here are more pictures from Emily's wedding...I didn't have time to edit any of them.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

The bride Posted by Hello

The setting... Posted by Hello

Simple Posted by Hello

And the rains came tumbling down... Posted by Hello

Bubble Blowing...better the bubble eating.. Posted by Hello

Lina and I Posted by Hello

All the Girls Posted by Hello

Gin, Josh, Andrew, Andy, Lina, Kimbo Posted by Hello

The 2 Em's Posted by Hello

Toasting the Happy Couple...with Buddy BBQ's finest  Posted by Hello

Jen and I Posted by Hello

Monday, May 09, 2005


So Saturday nights me and my HS girlfriends went out. And while we were out a guy was hitting on me...lets call him Andy...Andy said that he was 25 and we both worked for the same company. Andy thought he was a player but really, wasn't so much...after a while Andy was talking to both me and another girl...while I'm not opposed to getting hit on, I am opposed to be getting 2 I had fun w/ my girls and let Andy fight for my attention and slipped out w/o having to give him my number.
Fast Forward to Monday morning...I cram on to a crowded EL car...1 stop in, glance to the left...5 people down stands, you guessed it...ANDY...I had to do a double take...I had to giggle...I had to run when the train doors opened!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

What a weekend...

So I had quite a weekend. I headed to Indiana Friday night to go to the Mother Daughter Dinner with my Mom and the rest of the girls in the family. Everyone was able to make it, except for Heidi. We had a really good time, it was a quick visit but everyone was glad we had that time.
Saturday I went to the Cubs game. Will Ferrel threw out the first pitch. He was hilarious, hit a camera man, in the process of being crazy. It was most enjoyable. He also sang the 7th inning stretch with Mike Ditka. It was quite the time. Now had it not been only 45 degree's, we may have had a really great time. It was really really cold!!!! Hot cocoa and coffee were selling better then beer and 50 dollar blankets the size of door mats were being sold left and right. Insane!
Saturday night, I ended up catching up with a few girls from High School. I don't think I had seen some of them in about 8 years. We had a great time hanging out. It was like no time had passed, which was kind of scary.
Picture summary below...

Good Old Times... Posted by Hello

Teresa and I Posted by Hello

Jill and I Posted by Hello

The Girls... Posted by Hello

The Bruise... Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Sunset... Posted by Hello

The Step... Posted by Hello

The View... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Series of unfortunate events...

Monday I was having an ever so eventful day at work (well I was working from home), a urgent request came in right when I was about to walk out the door to catch the train to the funeral visitation that I was going to go to last night. Unfortunately the only people available to deal with it were those in Brazil that have a bit of a language issue. So as I'm upstairs trying to explain to them what is needed so I can get out the door at any hopes of catching the train, he continues to ask questions and dilly dally around. I throw everything in my laptop bag which is now in one hand while my cell phone is in the other and start to run down the stairs...unfortunatly, I slipped off the first stair (which happen to be wood, and I had nylons on)...continue to fall down the flight of stairs, trying to save the laptop, phone, and myself....the first 2 successfully. Once I hit the bottom, I was quite shaken...the Brazilian says 'HELLO? HELLO? EMILY?' which I then Have to reply that I just which he responds 'Thats okay..such things happen here in Brazil too'. I hang up the phone...try to assess the damage to myself...and unfortunately, the stairs, which in the fall did suffer damage...each stair is a separate piece of of which cracked in 2 on my tumble. Needless to say, I did not make it to the visitation, by the time I got myself together, and calmed down I had missed the train. I did not break anything, Praise God, but I am badly bruised on my leg, sore, and am afraid my tailbone may never be the same. Don't feel bad if you are laughing...I was laughing and crying at the same time after the event and no one I have told has been able to keep a straight face....after I tell them about the busted step...they lose it.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Search Hits...

Through my site counter I can see how people reach my site...sometimes I find it funny at what people search for and how they end getting to my Blog. I get a lot of hits off 'Quarter Life Crisis' or 'John Mayer' ...but sometimes the things are so random I have to wonder what exactly they are searching for in the first place. Today I found one of those...Apparently someone was searching for :

'Napoleon Dynamite look alike texas'

Home Sweet Home...almost...

So I've been quiet this week...mainly b/c when I haven't been at work, which has been horribly busy, I have been trying to get my new place unpacked and working until I can hardly stand up anymore. I sealed the deal and got the keys on Tuesday and started moving things in. It has been a whirlwind. Yesterday, my bed and the last of the boxes came over and now its starting to look like home. Besides a few piles of things to go through here and there things are shaping up, so I decided that this morning I would go grab some coffee at the Dunkin Dounts around the corner, sit in my chair by the window and just relax and enjoy the some peace and quiet and the view for a bit this morning. I'm amazed how far I can really see and how at sunset, no matter what I'm doing, how I find myself taking a quick break to enjoy it...I hope that doesn't change and that I take advantage of my time living here. My own little nook in this big city to call mine.

There are things I'm still getting use to, the new sounds of living in a complex...elevators, neighbors (the woman next door sings in the shower and if I'm in the bathroom I can hear her...yesterday she sang "Love Shack" and "I'm a Barbie Girl" and it reminded me of Christy Paul a little, I'm not sure why, but it put a smile on my face). There is one thing that prevents this from feeling like home yet, the Cable...they don't have digital cable here, so I'm not use to it, and the stations are all different. I haven't watched a ton of TV since Tuesday, but when I have turned it on it's usually b/c I'm completely exhausted and just want to watch 'Making the Band' or something and I get a brief moment of anxiety that I can't find the right station. It just seems so foreign to me. Apparently the TV is my comfort. This week, it has let me down. This too shall pass.

I'll post some pictures soon...maybe after the armoire gets 'hoisted' out of the living room on Monday.