Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Series of unfortunate events...

Monday I was having an ever so eventful day at work (well I was working from home), a urgent request came in right when I was about to walk out the door to catch the train to the funeral visitation that I was going to go to last night. Unfortunately the only people available to deal with it were those in Brazil that have a bit of a language issue. So as I'm upstairs trying to explain to them what is needed so I can get out the door at any hopes of catching the train, he continues to ask questions and dilly dally around. I throw everything in my laptop bag which is now in one hand while my cell phone is in the other and start to run down the stairs...unfortunatly, I slipped off the first stair (which happen to be wood, and I had nylons on)...continue to fall down the flight of stairs, trying to save the laptop, phone, and myself....the first 2 successfully. Once I hit the bottom, I was quite shaken...the Brazilian says 'HELLO? HELLO? EMILY?' which I then Have to reply that I just which he responds 'Thats okay..such things happen here in Brazil too'. I hang up the phone...try to assess the damage to myself...and unfortunately, the stairs, which in the fall did suffer damage...each stair is a separate piece of of which cracked in 2 on my tumble. Needless to say, I did not make it to the visitation, by the time I got myself together, and calmed down I had missed the train. I did not break anything, Praise God, but I am badly bruised on my leg, sore, and am afraid my tailbone may never be the same. Don't feel bad if you are laughing...I was laughing and crying at the same time after the event and no one I have told has been able to keep a straight face....after I tell them about the busted step...they lose it.

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