Monday, September 12, 2005

The Natives Are Getting Restless

So I'm getting a lot of flack for not posting lately. For the 5 people that do check in occasionally what can I say, it's summer, I have writers block, I've just completely lost all creativity? Pick any of the above, those are my excuses.

The summer has been short, as it always is here, but as fall is in the air I get excited...excited to be lazy on a cool fall afternoon, to watch Bears games on Sunday, to wear sweatshirt's, to eat chili, to go for walks and hear the rustling of leaves, to carve hot summer days, tank tops, flip flops, beach days, and cubs games drift to a distant memory I can't be sad for long.

As I sit here now and try to figure out something witty and humorous to write I am stumped. Maybe I have lost all creative writing skills. Maybe I'm no longer suppose to share all my embarrassing and crazy thoughts on the www? Who knows. Maybe I've just grown into an extremely boring person. The only thing I can think of right now is that I am incredibly blessed. I have had a spectacular summer, shared with great friends and family, in a new job that has been amazingly good to me, and a new home which I would not trade for anything right now. The Cubs on the other hand...they could have been a little kinder this summer...but in the tradition...dare I say it to early?...there is always next year...

Am I Done-zo?


Anonymous said...

Wow. I like that you changed your comments into a pop up window.

I have several comments but will combine them....

Whoever said there was 'creative writing' at this site?

Its not to early to drop the hammer on the Cub's season.

And you like the Cub's are most definitely 'done-zo'. And here is why...

One doesn't lose their creative mind or ability to communicate. Those energies are only channel into different forums or venues. So what that conclusion implies is your dreamy/whimsical/Ashton Kucher loving side is focused on something other than your blog.

Do tell?

(yes I realize that this goes against advice I have previously given, but come on, when do you listen to my advice.)

Anonymous said...

And comments like those, Stephen Denis Jones, are reasons why I love to hate you.

Anonymous said...


its Dennis

Anonymous said...

Stevie D...I apologize for the typo.

Anonymous said...

does this mean that your not going to give us the juicy details?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

so you are

Anonymous said...

Just what is it you would like to know SVT? Cause last time I

Anonymous said...

read the question...

"does this mean that your not going to give us the juicy details?"

Your answer: "No"

I got you with my double negativity....

sneaky sneaky.

Anonymous said...

Ahoy, you got me this time,Captin John Vane...Arg!