Thursday, March 31, 2005

Final Hours in Dallas...

So my time in Dallas is drawing to a close. It has been a relatively relaxing week. Today I went downtown. I have been hanging out on the outskirts where the hotel and training facility have been, but I thought I would probably regret if I didn't go down town, so I did.

Once I got down town I wasn't to sure about where I would go or what I would do but my mom mentioned going to see where JFK was shot. I hadn't really thought about it but drove around only a few minutes before I ran across the memorial, the Library, and the 'grassy knoll'... I walked around on the warm Texas night in the quiet memorial...observed the different tourists that were there. Mostly older...a man with his not nearly excited teenage son...walking about, anxiously pointing out things obviously remembering the day like it was only yesterday...his son following behind with his hands shoved deeply in his pockets. There was an odd 20 something guy dressed in shirt and tie...looking up at the 6th floor window and snapping pictures of the 'X' in the road, then glancing back up at the window as if he was calculating if the fatal shot could actually have come from if he was going to solve the crime all this time later...

For me it was a small realization that I don't appreciate my history enough. A realization of how much this one second in time meant to the whole country and here I was in Dallas not even caring if I saw the historical site. There really wasn't much to it but with there is an energy from the people who were alive and can remember where they were when Kennedy was shot, that surrounds the site. I put 40 minutes on the meter and when I got back to the car I had 3 minutes left, I couldn't believe I had been gone that long...but it was the best 37 minutes spent here in Dallas, and probably the most memorable.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Yankee or Dixie - Dialect Test

What are you...
Yankee or Dixie?

I'm 43% Yankee.

Don't Mess with Texas...and sentence finishers

So day 3 in Lonestar State...I'm having a really good week. The weather has been great...they have Chic-fil-a what could be better? We've been getting out of class by 4:30 it's been a nice change from NJ. I've been able to go out running and shopping and enjoy myself a little before coming back here and running. Tomorrow I may try to hit downtown. We'll see.

So class is going well, I'm learning a lot but there are 2 guys in my class that drive me crazy. They are the type of guys that think they know more then the teacher so they finish her sentences no matter if they are right or wrong...the type that talk through the class as if they are having a one on one conversation with soooo annoying.

Other then that, I'm anxiously awaiting for my trip to Houston. It should be fun.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Stars at Night...Are Big and Bright...DEEP IN THE HEART OF TEXAS!

So I'm here. I'm in Texas right outside of Dallas. It wasn't to long ago that I was blogging that I wanted to go to Texas and here I am! So what if it's for Warehouse management training. Teach me to Pick and long as they are picking up the tab I'm cool with that. My flight was about the worse flight I've ever experienced...minus the small flight from Canada to Seattle last year when the ladies wine a row behind me and across the isle splashed on my shirt. For 2 solid hours today, it Was quite draining. But I'm here now...and I'm ready to see what Texas has to offer...YEEEEHAAAAW!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A Bar of Soap and A Yellow Submarine

On the walk to work on Friday I was listening to some tunes, when a familiar song came on that I didn't even realize I had on my pod. I almost fast forwarded before I stopped and decided to be nostalgic for a second. The song was Yellow Submarine. As I continued walking I was taken back to my grandparents old house with the greenish blue shag the pink bathroom where me and my sister...2 giggly little girls sat in the tub with a bar of Ivory soap...the smell of Ivory soap will forever be a smell of Grandma's house...I don't know who's idea it was or why we we would have done it but we decided to wash one another's backs...first she soaped mine up, then I soaped hers...and then we sat back to back, rocking forward and back, 'washing' one anothers backs, singing the words that neither of us can hear without thinking about bath time at grandmas... 'We all live in a yellow submarine...a yellow submarine...a yellow submarine...'


It's been a while since I've posted any of my dreams...well last night...Ashton and I were sneaking around behind Demi's back. He still loved her and I knew it but I didn't really care, after all it was Ashton... As we hid from people...mainly Demi...I kept thinking of all the people that Ashton could cheat on Demi with he picked me...and I wasn't even wearing was a glorious 30 minutes or so, of hide and seek from Demi, the tabloids, and random girls...which oddly enough ended with us folding laundry.

Friday, March 18, 2005

I think I was drunk IMed last night...

and I thought it was humorous enough to share...

*Screenname removed to protect the innocent. Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 13, 2005

I'm One Step Closer to Being A Home Owner...

Take the virtual tour of my new condo. It will official be mine the end of April.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Top 5 Ways You Know You've Been In Jersey TOOO Long...

1. You no longer need directions to and from the Philly airport.
2. You know exactly where on 295 the speed limit goes from 55 to 65 w/o seeing a sign.
3. You wonder where the pretzel lady is at the Philly airport is and you kinda miss her.
4. You start making "consulting" friends on your flight.
5. Ivana at the Residence Inn, not only knows your name but saves you a wireless hub because she knows you will want want.


I'm in the Philly airport...stranded...2 hour delay because apparently it is 'snowing' in chicago...go figure...why I can't really complain...this is my 10th flight since the end of January and I have yet to be delayed...for anyone has flown in or out of Chicago. You know that is a frickin Miracle. So as I sit here enter my expenses for the week...turn in the IPOD and watch the sun set over the Philly airport...I can't help but be pleasantly only I would have remembered my wireless card...I could be pleasantly cheerful while surfiring the web...

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Milligan can beat Princeton at one thing...

So last night I went to the Princeton vs Penn basketball game...and as I walked up the steps and got my first glimpse of the court I was overcome with memories of Milligan College basketball...Princeton even has the same colors...the game seem to have a pretty small turn out considering it was a big rivalry...for the school having 10 times more students then Milligan we would have had the stands packed...but if I closed my eye's I could still hear Ben what's his name taunting the opponents as the squeak of the sneakers is heard up and down the court...I glance up at the score board and see that the score is still 2 -'s been 6 minutes...they can't shoot...they can't pass...they can't hold on to the ball...thats when I finally realize that my Alma Mater has something on these NERDS...I'm pretty sure we could beat them....Caleb, Nathan, Gabe, Damon, Lance (well if he wasn't suspended) and the gang could take these guys...and for a moment a little sense of satisfaction rushed over least we, little Milligan College, could beat Princeton at something...

My Brazilian Friends...

Each day one of my new Brazilian friends that is here in NJ with me, posts a new header next to his IM, after a bit of a ice storm we had yesterday it says:
"Know a wild side of life,drive on ice cubes at 30 mph"

Monday, March 07, 2005

It Is What It Is...

It's very possible that I may have lost the Condo that I've set my eye's upon...perhaps the most frustrating thing about it is that I'm scheduled to go see it again on Friday and if I'm serious about it possibly put a bid in on it... Here's the story. Last night at small group, I was sharing with the girls my anxiousness about the situation and that I need to let it go and if it was meant to be it will be...they were asking more specifics about the condo when one of the girls stops and brother loves that condo and is very interested in it also...small case of conflict of interest. Since I've chosen to give this to God...I can not worry about it...either it will be there on Friday or it will not...He gives and takes away...He gives and takes away...and still I will say blessed be the name....

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Jersey...enough already...

So I'm tired of Jersey. I hit that wall this week. For six weeks now I have been here...I have really looked forward to being here each week and the time has pretty much flown by until this past week....when the world came to a screeching halt. It has been frustrating...i'm tired and just restless. I want to be home...I want to buy the condo I was looking at when I left 6 weeks ago...I don't want to be a Jersey girl any more...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Lucky Streak...

Cubs tickets to 2 of the most popular games of the upgrade to first class for my trip to Texas this month...and my 6.8% bonus from IBM, where I haven't worked in 2 months...any one want to go to Vegas?