Sunday, February 01, 2004

Back to business...

And back to Canada, eh...I got back from a great weekend in Portland tonight. I met the babies, which aren't so much babies any more. They are sweet sweet kids and it was fun playing with them this weekend. Nat thinks she's a princess and since she isn't old enough to know better I will let her continue to believe it ;) Jack is a very happy little boy, from what I saw of him...he loves Tess so much that when she is the room nothing else in his world matters, and you'd think 'Meow' was the only word in is vocabulary (which is only a trick because he can say a lot of different words, even knows some Spanish). I wish I had pictures of them but my camera was in the car..hence the reason for the lack of pictures. Lina took me to some great little places to shop and I was able to get a taste of Portland. It was a lot of what I thought it would be like, including the rain. We got lucky today and actually had sunshine, which was really special because I got to see some of the area Mountains.
Flying back in the daylight today was amazing. The sky's were pretty clear so I got a really good look of the different mt. ranges...Unbelievable...not even real. So 6 more nights in Canada, I am ready to go home but I a m pretty sure that this week will go by pretty fast because I have a lot to do. I'm signing are a couple pictures from the weekend.

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