Monday, August 09, 2004

Why I will be single forever...

So every time my Aunt sees me she tells me how wonderful her neighbor is and how she would love to set the 2 of us up. For months and months I have been hearing about Paul...Paul this, and Paul that...Pauls a cop, Pauls so good looking, Paul cooks, on and on and on and on...tonight she gets online..."Hey Coey (dont ask, thats her nickname for me)took your senior picture outside tonight to show my cop friend" MY SENIOR PICTURE being the key phrase there...7 YEARS AGO! 7...that was 1997, actually 96 when I actually got the pictures taken...i had bangs...i had bad taste in clothing...i don't even think i wore make-up...the only people that like their senior pictures are those that still think high school was the best 4 years of their entire life...embarrassed doesn't even really cover it.

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