Monday, May 09, 2005


So Saturday nights me and my HS girlfriends went out. And while we were out a guy was hitting on me...lets call him Andy...Andy said that he was 25 and we both worked for the same company. Andy thought he was a player but really, wasn't so much...after a while Andy was talking to both me and another girl...while I'm not opposed to getting hit on, I am opposed to be getting 2 I had fun w/ my girls and let Andy fight for my attention and slipped out w/o having to give him my number.
Fast Forward to Monday morning...I cram on to a crowded EL car...1 stop in, glance to the left...5 people down stands, you guessed it...ANDY...I had to do a double take...I had to giggle...I had to run when the train doors opened!!!!!!!

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