Sunday, December 05, 2004


We all do it...i do it...i'm betting you've done it...heck, you're grandma probably does it...yeah even your grandma...Google them...its the background check of the 2000's. The best part is you can google someone and they don't even know that you've done it. You can see the article in the local paper on the high school basketball game he scored 14 points can see the college website they had to make for a programming can even see their college 'Founder's Daughter' speech or a really bad picture taken 2 years ago...You Google the ones you love, the ones you don't, and the ones that you wished loved google them when your bored, when you want to find them, or for no reason what so ever.
Today I was googled...the web counter I use also keeps track of your last 10 'referers' most of the time it's direct hits, those of the people, I'm guessing, that I know and love and who check in to read a new post...sometimes I get hits from people searching google for Quarter Live Crisis or John Mayer...but today was different...and all though they didn't use 'Google' ...i can see that I have a googler...and although I have done it multiple times its a strange feeling to be on the other end...the googler may even be reading this if he/she found anything worth returning for (which I'm not holding my breath about) but if they are...will the real Yahooer please stand up? Unless you happen to be tall, dark, and handsome...then feel free to also leave your phone number.

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