Monday, February 07, 2005

Today I got the bird

Here I am...driving north on 1, getting ready to exit on ramp #67 A-B. It's one of those ramps where you exit to the right, cars are entering while you go under an overpass and try to get in the exit lane. There is a special synchronization that takes place in these lanes, unless you are Tennessee, in which case, those entering the highway from the ramp make a complete stop instead of merging like a normal person. Perhaps the synchronization wasn't as clear to the man driving the HUGE tow truck trying to enter the express way, as it was to me. I merged to the right in front of him, figuring he would merge to the left almost simultaneously. No harm done...everyone on their merry way. Apparently something went horrifically wrong...for once he got in his lane he honked and viciously gave me the finger. It was one of those TiVo life moments...when you wish you could rewind..slow mo...pause perhaps, the events that just took place. I will graciously expect the bird where the bird is due...but in this case I feel like it was completely unwarranted, maybe it was just a "Welcome back to New Jersey" salute.

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