Sunday, April 10, 2005

Naria (updated)

So yesterday around 3 pm I was doing my laundry and as I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw a woman sitting there with a suitcase. I didn't say anything but passed her with my laundry basket. It continued throughout the evening...she sat, I passed. Julie Reeves came to visit with her boyfriend Davey and we went to dinner, came back at 10:30 pm and the woman was still sitting there. So I finally decided that I was going to go check on her to see if there was anything she needed, a phone, something to eat...anything. She told me she was waiting for her brother to come home from work and that she had flown in from Portugal and that there must have been some sort of misunderstanding but she was sure he was going to be home soon. She asked for a glass of water. I went up, grabbed her some water and some Wheat Thins and brought them back down to her. I asked her if she wanted to come up and sit in my apartment, as it was getting cold and she really looked exhausted. She said no, she didn't want to miss him. I told her we could leave a note for him but she refused. So I went back up, hung out with Julie for a couple of hours. Before bed, I decided I would run back down and check on my new friend. She was still there, she insisted there was nothing else I could do and that her brother would be home soon and if he wasn't then she was going to go get a Hotel at 2 am. Julie asked her if she was grumpy at her brother, she responded that she is trying to be patient, but she will kill him tomorrow. We both laughed. I asked her what apartment her brother lived in, she said the end unit on the 3rd floor....hmmmm, that was the unit across from me, and I know that a single woman moved in there last fall and before her, another girl lived there. I let it go, even though it made no sense, b/c earlier in the evening she had said that she had trouble with numbers (after all, English was not her first language). She did ask me one thing...she gave me an e-mail address and asked that I e-mail this person and ask them to pick her up. So I did, the following correspondence took place:

Hi, Naria is stranded here waiting for her brother and would like you to come get her at ....

I'm one of her brother's neighbors, trying to help her out.


The next day I got this Reply:

She is insane--- Her brother does not live in the US. Be very careful

**update** I replied back:

How odd. She was quite sure her brother lived in my building. Sat outside all day and half the night waiting for him but was gone this morning and never came back. Thank you for letting me know.

He replied:

I used to live in the building-- She was looking for me. I would be very careful.

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