Sunday, June 20, 2004

Ode to Wilma

her name was Wilma Painter...she couldn't have been more then 4 foot 5 but she was the sweetest, funniest, spit firer i ever met...altough we've gone to the same church almost the past 20 years i hadn't really met her until the last couple of years. She was the only good thing about getting up to go to the early service with my parents. Her cute and feisty self was always good for a quick laugh...the things that came out of her mouth sometimes would shock you...she always told me she was going to be looking for someone for me to marry...she said i needed to find myself a hillbilly b/c they were the best (she was originally from Tennessee)...she probably didn't even know my name, i never heard her call me anything but honey...but you couldn't help but fall in love with her...

Wilma was diagnosed with cancer a couple months ago...and late last night she passed away. I will dearly miss her...i didn't know it would affect me like it has..i can't imagine never getting a hug on Sunday mornings...i know she has made the list of those I can't wait to see when i get past those pearly long for now Willma...and send me that hillbilly you were always talkin about...this blogs for you.

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