Sunday, June 06, 2004

things that go bump in the night...

last night i had a horrible headache...i lay in bed at 2:30 am staring out the window...knowing that it would not be a good morning...after a little help from excederin pm i finally drifted off into a sound slumber...until i heard first i thought it was cicada that got in the house (strange though b/c we don't have cicada's around here right now) so i jump out of bed ready to kill what ever it is...i turn the light on...only the light doesn't come on...strange though b/c i see the time on the clock and if thats working the light should be also...i run to the hallway, flip the also won't turn i'm freaked out...i finally figure out that i'm only dreaming of waking i wake myself up...only to be a little freaked out about the lights not i get up...decide i'll flip the switch just to reassure myself that everything is fine...there are no bugs...the lights will work and i can go back to sleep...only when i hit the switch the light really doesn't come i'm freaked...i head down the hall...and a man grabs me and throws me to the i lay there the only thing i can think is that i'm awake...and i know this isn't a dream b/c i just woke up from a dream...and i could feel the carpet on my face and i rubbed it with my hand...if i was asleep i know i couldn't feel the carpet...the man is gone so i get up...i try to hit the light switch but of course it doesn't work...what am i going to do now...i run furiously around the house...surely one of these lights have to work...what has happened...and then i wake up...i am again back in my bed...i wasn't awake...i was dreaming...but am i dreaming now or not? i have already faked myself out i lay there, heart racing, shaking...i turn over and look at the's on...but one thing for sure...i can't bring myself to turn the light on...

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