Wednesday, January 12, 2005

A Breath of Fresh Air

My first three days have been a success. I know that I have only been there a couple days but it seems like it has been a breath of fresh air. I feel like they really have their ducks in a row and that they really know how to run their business. I'm excited to be a part of it all. It has been kind of strange, after all, my new friends were just forced to transition some work to IBM because we lost a client to them (most likely b/c of promises big blue will never be able to keep)so my old friends know my new friends...and for the most part I think everyone played nice, but it does put me in a bit of a weird position, after all I want to be one of them, yet I don't want to be the traitor either. I see woman in leadership position all over, nice least it seems that way. I'm excited to work with them! I feel like I have made the right decision...either way I keep telling looking back...straight ahead...eyes forward...there's nothing there to see...and I feel good about that. I'm just feeling so good about this year, I'm not sure what it is yet but I have a good feeling about lots of things. Last night at my gym my instructor said it was 'the year of the woman' i'm not sure if thats the truth but its starting to feel that way.

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