Monday, January 31, 2005

A Merry time in Maryland

After three days, it's back to the garden state this morning. I had a good time in Maryland and wasn't quit ready to drive the two and a half hours back this morning. The drive went by rather quick. I'm not sure if it's because I don't drive on a regular basis or what but all the driving lately really has not phased me at all. I've put more miles on that car then I have drove all together the past 3 years, I think that's pretty funny. That may be a lie, I did drive from Wichita to Tulsa and back and some in Canada last year I guess.
The weekend was a success, I was able to see Heidi and Mike's new house, shopped and had Tea with Heidi, visited with Kevin and Meggan (some friends from Milligan which I have forgotten how much I have missed), sledded down the big hills in the back yard, and ate a lot of food.

Favorite quotes from the weekend:
"Those ducks are going to freeze their asses off"
"Sounds like there's a party in your pants"
"Woh Jumper, you look old"
I also kinda enjoyed
"You, and you, and you are making this game no fun any more"

I guess it's back to far I've been told by the client today that the plan (which they pretty much gave me) sucks and that I need to recreate it, they don't want to use the mandated timeline that we are required to use, and that I have to start over on the spreadsheet that took me about 8 hours to create for project planning last week. I love New Jerseians.

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