Wednesday, January 12, 2005

What not to do on your first day of work...

I am taking some medication daily for my migraines and have been having some side effects so have been visiting some websites and forums about the medicine. Many people have posted that they have stupid moments due to this pill, actually the medicine is called Topamax and they (on the forum) have nicknamed it Dope-amax. I was sure they were just blaming their silliness on this medication as an easy outreading and that this would never happen to me...until monday.

So we were asked to put our names on the front and back of place cards and put them on the table in front of us, which I did. 4 hours later we get up to go to lunch, I look back at my place card and notice my card says 'Emilly Homrich' on the side that was FACING ME AND ABOUT 35 OF MY ORIENTATION CLASS MATES. I utter to the guy who had been sitting next to me all morning...I spelled my name wrong...he said he noticed it but thought maybe I had an interesting spelling and that if it was him he wouldn't have told anyone and then continued to tease me the rest of the day. At least it broke the ice right??????

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