Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Blast From The Past

Its always strange to me when the past comes and knocks on the door. The past couple of weeks I have heard from a lot of people from my past and I'm not sure why that is. I'm guessing a sign from God to help me get out of the 'funk' that I have been in lately. I actually haven't even thought about being in a 'funk' for about a week so maybe it worked. It started almost 2 weeks ago when I decided to call Kimbo...then I talked to Christy Paul online, a brief (unfortunate) e-mail from Piesly, followed by another IM conversation with Emily,which made me think that I needed to call Kelli, followed by another instant message from a friend of mine Teresa from high school...that was followed by a brief conversation with Nick Tule, which led me to read Julie Revees Blog, which in turn made me send her a quick e-mail to catch up, then a phone call from Houston on Thursday, a phone call from Jen on Sunday, and a random short e-mail from Neven Hooker on Monday. All of these people whom I really hadn't had contact with in a while. Man, just tell God you think you are friendless and they start coming out of the wood work. For any of those mentioned that are reading this...thanks!
The Price Fairy is playing with my emotions again today. This morning I got a e-mail from Yahoo! Best Fare notifier that my plane ticket had dropped in price to 99 dollars from 209! I was so pumped...went to the site, entered my info...only to find out that it is for the next 2 weekends and not the first weekend in April. I am going to continue to hold off...but so help me if they jack the prices up for that weekend.
I saw 'The Passion' on Saturday. Horribly amazing is about the only thing I can say. I do have a question for anyone who is reading this (and maybe I'm kidding myself thinking you are actually reading)...why did Mel Gibson not include the line of the centurion.."Truly this was the Son of God". I was waiting for that line...I needed to hear it. I felt a little robbed. I thought maybe it was because he based the movie on John (the only Gospel without the line). But after going back and reading through the different Gospels it seems that he took bits and pieces from them and not just one. Any ideas?

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