Wednesday, March 10, 2004

The Rules...

So I've been having the feeling lately that I need to de-clutterize my life, probably some mental or emotional problem that I'm trying to what...don't look at me like that...jerk... DROP IT... kidding...anyway, I yanked everything out of my 2 closets and started going through boxes I hadn't opened since college. There were a lot of memories in those boxes...both good and bad. More good though, and lots of stuff that I wanted to look at more...old pictures, notes, cards, 'diaries' Christ and Culture note book, oh that was a good one, I could have sat around the rest of the night and read my groups comments on thoughts of the daily readings and class time...Andy Hull referring to Nascar...Dan Drage saying if an intruder was about to murder his wife and children and he had a gun in his hand he would not pull the trigger because he would be harming one of Gods creatures...cough cough bull @#$% cough cough...sorrry I digress...none of that's going to de-clutter my jammed packed closet now is it?? 5 hours and 45 minutes later everything is put away and as I look at my closets it looks just as packed as before only everything seems to be in a different place then it was 5 hours earlier...I do have a huge donation pile though so maybe I did get rid of more stuff then I thought...
There was one thing I did run across that I couldn't bring myself to put it back in the box or in the Goodwill pile...The Rules...I'm sure you have heard of them...they are the 'Time-tested Secrets for Capturing the Hearts of Mr. Right'. I'm not even really sure where I got the book in the first place. I think my sister and she is now married so maybe they really do work ;) Doubt it though. It is 11:53, I'm in bed and I can't help but remember how a close friend at good ole' Milligan College and I would read one rule a night before Julie, this one is for you..and if I remember correctly, one of the classics...

RULE NUMBER 6 ... Don't Call Him and Rarely Return His Phone Calls - 'If you are following "The Rules" religiously there is no reason to call him. He should be calling you, and calling you again and again until he pins you down for a date. To call men is to pursue them which is completely against "The Rules"...'

OMG, I could go on and on cause this chapter is HILARIOUS, but I won't because its 4 pages. Just remember girls..."One last thought on phone calls: some times we want to call a man we are dating not to speak to him but just to hear his voice. We feel we are simply going to die if we don't hear his sexy voice this minute. That's understandable. We suggest you call his answering machine while he's at work. Hang up before the beep. It really works!"

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